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Let's Celebrate Progress Over Perfection #bootcamp #marketingmadesmarter #marketingplansmadesmarter #onlinecourse Mar 01, 2021

Do you keep a gratitude journal? I’ve found that keeping a gratitude journal can help me stay focused on what really matters in life... even when life is really hard and things feel upside down.

Today, I wrote about how grateful I am to have overcome the bone-chilling shyness that shackled...

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When opportunity knocks, do you listen? #inspiration #marketingmadesmarter #marketingplansmadesmarter #whenopportunityknocks Feb 02, 2021

When opportunity knocks, do you answer? I think most of us would like to think we would welcome a great opportunity with open arms… but it’s not always easy.

In my career, the best opportunity I was ever given was the chance to relocate to the East Coast to serve as the Director of...

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